re: "Bonde" Jokes from Karl Strickland

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (
Wed, 31 May 1995 14:02:23 +0100 (BST)

On Tue, 30 May 1995, Eric Conrad wrote:

> Hasn't it ocurred to anyone that a really simple denial of service 
> attack vs. bugtraq would be to send fakemail nonsense 'from' known 
> security folks to bugtraq?  

	Karl normally includes a .sig, whoever's faking did really well 
at faking at _forgot the sig_, I dunno some people. I'd be surprised if 
he was sending this, he seems to have quite a few enemies.


| Martin Hargreaves, 		  |
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist                          |
| WWW Server Admin |